Thank you to my wonderful clients for your kind feedback. All feedback is genuine and open to scrutinization by the NCH on its authenticity.


“I found I needed the services of a Cognitive Hypnotherapist after having a heart problem earlier in the year. The heart problem bought on anxiety, stress and the reoccurrence of claustrophobia from many years ago. So having searched the internet I found Andy Whelan who I felt would be perfect for my situation and so booked a consultation with him. With trepidation I meet Andy at his consultation room and straight away was put at ease by his friendly introduction and offer of tea/coffee. Andy introduced himself and how he would conduct the consultation (expect some strange questions). As the section progressed, I found myself pouring out all my problems and fears with him intensely listening with occasional questions from Andy. I felt so relaxed with his friendliness and his Northern relaxing voice which helped “me” to openly talk about thing that I was not able to take about with anyone else. After each session of therapy, I came out feeling relaxed and was able to relate to my problems and start to understand what to do with the information and guidance he had passed on to me. For me it has taken 4 sessions with Andy to resolve my problems”.


“Hi Andy, I Just wanted to say a massive thank you for everything.  I never really believed I would get anywhere with this but hey, miracles do happen. I’ve loved sharing the madness and weirdness with you at a time when NO ONE else understood.  That will stay with me forever just knowing that you gave your time and understanding to help me see things differently.  You are a very talented and funny guy and it’s been great getting to know you”.


“I first met Andy on 8 June 2022. I sat in front of him feeling broken and scared. At the end of our first meeting, I asked him “Do you think I can be helped?” and he responded, without hesitation “Definitely.  Together we can move you into a much better place” and that is exactly what we did over the next three-month period. He is very knowledgeable and takes time to explain techniques and methods that I practiced and developed in between our meetings.  He provided email links for me to follow whenever time allowed and that was comforting and helpful, but more importantly for me, he is incredibly kind, patient and easy to talk to. Andy uses the Snow Drop emblem for his logo and it immediately caught my attention. It is a symbol of resilience and flourishes in extreme circumstances…a perfect description of how I now feel. Thankyou Andy, I hope you know the difference you have made to me and my future”.



“Andy was a pleasure to work with, from the communication beforehand, the sessions themselves and the prompt follow up afterwards.
He took the time to listen to and understand my needs, and gave me the techniques to help me when I needed them.
All in all, my experience of working with Andy was a great success.”



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